Ren Yuanyuan
Author:   Time:2019-12-23   Number:


Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication

Postgraduate Tutor

Winner of the first prize of Teaching Competition of Young Teachers in Colleges and Universities of Shandong Province

Young Teaching Expert of Shandong University

News Reviewer of Publicity Department of Shandong Provincial Party Committee

She mainly engaged in teaching and scientific research on News Business and Communication Theory. She graduated from School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China with a PhD. And she studied in Shandong University with an undergraduate and master's degree. In 2007, she was fully funded by China Scholarship Council and sent to University of Leiden Netherlands to study for a master's degree in public administration.

She has presided over five subjects, which included the project of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education in China, Social Sciences and Humanities Planning Research project of Shandong Province, Social Sciences and Humanities Planning Research project of PJinan City, Scientific Research Rrogram of the National 985 project , and etc. She also has published many papers and one monograph in academic journals such as Modern Communication and Contemporary Communication.


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